Mais fotos de emotorcycle hisunyes V5 (EEC)

visualizações : 894
tempo de atualização : 2022-11-28 17:01:51
More photos of 
the  new electric motorcycle hisunyes V5(EEC) .
emotorcycle V5 has Various configurations with different prices, welcome to consult us

EXW US$3,500.00  US$4,180.00  US$5,850.00 
EXW(Without battery) US$2,200.00  US$2,480.00  US$3,450.00 
ABS (Optional) US$400.00  US$400.00  Standard configuration
Car quick charger (Optional) US$300.00  US$300.00  Standard configuration
Motor Power Brushless DC hub Brushless DC hub Brushless DC hub
Battery 72v52ah 72V86Ah 72V102Ah
Max Speed 100km/h 120km/h 150km/h
Max Range 120km (City)
80km (Highway, 80 km/h)
180km (City)
120km (Highway, 80 km/h)
90km (Highway, 113 km/h)
200km (City)
135km (Highway, 80 km/h)
100km (Highway, 113 km/h)
85km (Highway, 130 km/h)
Battery Types Lithium battery Lithium battery Lithium battery
Controller Sine wave Sine wave Sine wave
Battery charging time 5.5 hours (10A)
3 hours (18A)
9 hours (10A)
5 hours (18A)
6 hours (18A)
Brakes(Front/Rear) F: 3 piston caliper, 300*4mm Disc
R: 2 piston caliper, 240*4mm Disc
F: 4 piston caliper, 300*4mm Disc
R: single piston caliper, 240*4mm Disc
F: 4 piston caliper, 300*4mm Disc
R: single piston caliper, 240*4mm Disc
Shock Absorber(Front/Rear) F: Hydraulic
R: Adjustable Hydraulic
F: Inverted Adjustable Hydraulic
R: Adjustable Nitrogen
F: Inverted Adjustable Hydraulic
R: Adjustable Nitrogen
Tire Size(Front/Rear) F: Kenda 120/70-17,SHMT
R: Kenda 150/70-17,SHMT
F: Kenda 120/70-17,SHMT
R: Kenda 150/70-17,SHMT
F: Kenda 120/70-17,SHMT
R: Kenda 150/70-17,SHMT
Product Dimensions 2080*780*1160 mm 2080*780*1160 mm 2080*780*1160 mm
Packing size (Sample) 2180*820*1220 mm 2180*820*1220 mm 2180*820*1220 mm
Packing size (SKD) 2180*600*1100 mm 2180*600*1100 mm 2180*600*1100 mm

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